Transport to Paraty from the Airport. Executive Service from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Buses to Parati. [+ info]
July 2013 in Paraty - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

July - Saint Peter and Saint Paul Maritime Procession
- Duration: 1 day
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty City Hall www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
3rd to 7th - XI Paraty International Literary Festival - FLIP. During the party, national and foreign writers submit their books and theories to the public as well as participate in meetings reserved for discussions between the writers.
- Duration: 4 days
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Casa Azul 11) 3081 6331 www.flip.org.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
9th July - 1932 Constitutionalist Revolution: Sao Paulo State Public Holiday.
- Packages and Offers: Paraty Holidays Package
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
12th to 21st July - Saint Ruth Festival: The traditional festivity takes place in the Church that carries her name. The religious event will have an extensive schedule that will include processions, masses, celebrations, live music shows, among other attractions.
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty City Hall www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br, Paraty Catholic Church www.igrejaparati.com.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
24th to 26th - VI Tarituba Music Festival: This is an event made for the promotion of local music. The festival will have live shows, offices and workshops.
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
January 2013
January 2013 [+ info]
February 2013
February 2013 [+ info]
March 2013
March 2013 [+ info]
April 2013
April 2013 [+ info]
May 2013
May 2013 [+ info]
June 2013
June 2013 [+ info]
July 2013
July 2013 [+ info]
August 2013
August 2013 [+ info]
September 2013
September 2013 [+ info]
October 2013
October 2013 [+ info]
November 2013
November 2013 [+ info]
December 2013
December 2013 [+ info]
Enjoy Parati!
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Hostel Bookings in Paraty
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