Transport to Paraty from the Airport. Executive Service from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Buses to Parati. [+ info]
November 2013 in Paraty - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2nd November - Day of the Dead: National Holiday
- Duration: 1 day
8th to 10th of November - Belvedere: Contemporary Art International Festival and Contest.
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Atelier Belvedere Paraty www.belvedereparaty.com
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
14th to 17th of November - VI Paraty International Cinema Festival: International Festival with national and international premieres, conferences and presence of actors and directors.
- Additional Information: infoparaty.com/en/Paraty-news--events-11/News-27/II-Internacional-Cinema-Festival-Paraty-01-06-10-12
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Festival de Cinema de Paraty www.festivaldecinemadeparaty.com.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
9th to 18th of November - Our Lady of Rosario and Saint Benedict Feast
- Packages and Offers: Paraty Holidays Package
- Duration: 10 days
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty City Hall www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br, Paraty Catholic Church www.igrejaparati.com.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
15th November - Proclamation of the Republic: Brazilian National Holiday
- Duration: 1 day
22th to 24th November - Black Culture Meeting: Organised by the Quilombo Campinho da Independencia, located in Paraty. Music, memories and black poetry. On the 19th of November we celebrate the Black Awareness holiday and the 20th of November it's the Black Awareness Day.
- Duration: 3 days
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
January 2013
January 2013 [+ info]
February 2013
February 2013 [+ info]
March 2013
March 2013 [+ info]
April 2013
April 2013 [+ info]
May 2013
May 2013 [+ info]
June 2013
June 2013 [+ info]
July 2013
July 2013 [+ info]
August 2013
August 2013 [+ info]
September 2013
September 2013 [+ info]
October 2013
October 2013 [+ info]
November 2013
November 2013 [+ info]
December 2013
December 2013 [+ info]
Enjoy Parati!
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Hostel Bookings in Paraty
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