Transport to Paraty from the Airport. Executive Service from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Buses to Parati. [+ info]
September 2011 in Paraty - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1st to 8th September - Nossa Senhora dos Remédios Feast: Popular Catholic Celebration, 10 days of cultural events in Paraty, including processions, music and activities at the main square.
- Packages and Offers: Paraty Holidays Package
- Duration: 10 days
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty City Hall www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br, Paraty Catholic Churchwww.igrejaparati.com.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
9th to 11th September - Marketing Copywriters Convention: Copywriting contest for design, media and marketing students and professionals.
- Packages and Offers: Paraty Holidays Package
- Duration: 3 days
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: ALAP RIO www.alaprio.com.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
21st to 25th September - VII Paraty en Foco: Festival internacionalth fotografía, incluye diferentes workshops, exposiciones y muestras distribuidas por la ciudad.
- Packages and Offers: Paraty Holidays Package
- Duration: 4 days
- Additional Information: Previous editions of Paraty em Foco
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty Em Foco www.paratyemfoco.com
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
- Event Picture Gallery: www.flickr.com/paratyemfoco
29th to 30th September - To Be Paraty (Oriental Therapies and Well Being): Event for those interested in an holistic approach to health and stress reduction.
- Duration: 4 days.
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: www.tobeparaty.com
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
January 2011
Paraty Events Calendar January 2011. Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in Paraty: FL [+ info]
February 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in February 2011 em Paraty [+ info]
March 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in March 2011 em Paraty [+ info]
April 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in April 2011 em Paraty [+ info]
May 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in May 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
June 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in June 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
July 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in July 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
August 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in August 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
September 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in September 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
October 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in October 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
November 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in November 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
December 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in December 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
Enjoy Parati!
Hotel Bookings in Paraty
Hostel Bookings in Paraty
Tourist Information - Museums, Art, Music - Restaurants - Night Life - Parties - Events - Shows - Festivals