- Events Calendar
Transport to Paraty from the Airport. Executive Service from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Buses to Parati. [+ info]
April 2014 in Paraty - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

11th to 20th of April - Easter: This is a traditionally Catholic City, the celebration of Easter traditions kept dating from the XVII century. You can watch the Biblical scenes made with sawdust and grains, the liturgies and the traditional music.
- Packages and Offers: Easter in Paraty Package
- Duration: 4 days
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty City Hall www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br, Paraty Catholic Church
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
18th of April - Procissão do Fogaréu and the Passion of the Christ: one of the highlights of easter is the procession, the faithful walk through the streets with flashlights, street lights off, and sounds of bells that transport us to other times.
- Packages and Offers: Easter in Paraty Package
- Duration: 1 day
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty City Hall www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br, Paraty Catholic Church www.igrejaparati.com.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
18th to 21st of April - Potters meeting in Paraty: Since Paraty is now an important center of tourist attraction, between Rio and Sao Paulo, the Potters Meeting is culturally enriching and strengthening the manufacturing production of objects and works of ceramic for the local market. The activities offered to the public will be punctual in encouraging research and training of potters. Supplying thus a need in training young professionals in the field of ceramics in Paraty.
- Duration: 3 days.
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty City Hall www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br
21st April - Tiradentes: On the 21st of April you must come to Paraty to commemorate a very special day, the civic patron saint of Brazil, national heroe and martir of the Inconfidência Mineira, Tiradentes Day.
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
23 de Abril - Festa de Sao Jorge (Saint George): São Jorge (Saint George) is the "non-official" Saint of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, because of it's very special place in the local culture. His devotees are counted by the tens of millons, and on the 23rd of April, on Saint George's day, it's an obligation to pay homage to the "holy Warrior".
- Additional Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%ADa_de_San_Jorge
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
24th to 27th of April - Plain Air Paraty. Local artists gather for outdoors painting.
Folia de Reis, Paraty Cultural and all the events to enjoy summer: music, shows, parties and more. [+ info]
Verao Paraty, Pre-Carnival, Sea Carnival, Paraty Anniversary and all the scheduled events. [+ info]
Carnival, Bloco da Lama Parade, and all the events and parties in March [+ info]
Tiradentes, Easter, Procissão do Fogaréu, Seafood Festival, music, shows, events and more. [+ info]
Labour's Day, Belvedere: Contemporary Art Festival and Contest, music, shows, events and more. [+ info]
Holy Ghost Celebrations (Festa do Divino Espírito Santo), Bourbon Festival - Jazz and Blues, Corpus Christi, Shrimp F [+ info]
Paraty International Literary Festival - FLIP, St. Peter and St Paul's Celebrations, Samba Chorinho Paraty Music Fest. [+ info]
Caiçara Culture Meeting, Festival da Pinga (Sugar Cane Licquor Festival) Gold Road Day [+ info]
Our Lady of Remedies Feast, Marketing Copywriters Convention, Paraty em Foco Photography Festival, To Be Paraty [+ info]
Oficina de Ideias: Evangelic National Event in Paraty, Public Servants Day,Paraty International Cinema Festival [+ info]
Paraty Gastronomy Party, Day of the Deceased, Latin Music International Festival, Republic Proclamation Day [+ info]
Christmas, Folia de Reis, events, parties, live music and more. [+ info]
2013 Paraty events
2013 Paraty events [+ info]
Events in Paraty 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in Paraty 2011: FLIP, Festival da Pinga, New Year? [+ info]
Enjoy Parati!
Hotel Bookings in Paraty
Hostel Bookings in Paraty
Tourist Information - Museums, Art, Music - Restaurants - Night Life - Parties - Events - Shows - Festivals