- Events Calendar
Transport to Paraty from the Airport. Executive Service from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Buses to Parati. [+ info]
August 2014 in Paraty - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

30th of July to 3rd of August - XII Paraty International Literary Festival - FLIP. During the party, national and foreign writers submit their books and theories to the public as well as participate in meetings reserved for discussions between the writers.
- Packages and Offers: FLIP Package
- Duration: 4 days
- Additional Information: Paraty International Literary Festival - FLIP
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Casa Azul 11) 3081 6331 www.flip.org.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
21st to 24th August - Pinga (Sugar Cane Liquor) Festival or Cachaça, Culture and Flavours Festival: Since the 80s this festival attracts all lovers of strong spirits, good food and great parties.
- Duration: 4 days
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
27th to 30th August - Urban Sketchers Symposium Paraty: In addition to workshops, UrbanSketchers.org is planning to offer a diversity of other programming in Paraty, like leading a sketchcrawl or demonstrating a particular method or material.
** dates awaiting confirmation - International Watercolorists Meeting of Paraty:
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
August - Gold Road Day: Cutting through the States of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo to the port cities of Paraty and Rio de Janeiro, the Royal Road thrived during the diamond and gold-digging years of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, linking many of the most important historic towns in the region. Now every year there is a celebration in Paraty.
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
30th of August to 8th of September - Nossa Senhora dos Remédios Feast: Popular Catholic Celebration, 10 days of cultural events in Paraty, including processions, music and activities at the main square.
15th to 18th August - Pinga (Sugar Cane Liquor) Festival or Cachaça, Culture and Flavours Festival: Since the 80s this festival attracts all lovers of strong spirits, good food and great parties.
- Duration: 4 days
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
Folia de Reis, Paraty Cultural and all the events to enjoy summer: music, shows, parties and more. [+ info]
Verao Paraty, Pre-Carnival, Sea Carnival, Paraty Anniversary and all the scheduled events. [+ info]
Carnival, Bloco da Lama Parade, and all the events and parties in March [+ info]
Tiradentes, Easter, Procissão do Fogaréu, Seafood Festival, music, shows, events and more. [+ info]
Labour's Day, Belvedere: Contemporary Art Festival and Contest, music, shows, events and more. [+ info]
Holy Ghost Celebrations (Festa do Divino Espírito Santo), Bourbon Festival - Jazz and Blues, Corpus Christi, Shrimp F [+ info]
Paraty International Literary Festival - FLIP, St. Peter and St Paul's Celebrations, Samba Chorinho Paraty Music Fest. [+ info]
Caiçara Culture Meeting, Festival da Pinga (Sugar Cane Licquor Festival) Gold Road Day [+ info]
Our Lady of Remedies Feast, Marketing Copywriters Convention, Paraty em Foco Photography Festival, To Be Paraty [+ info]
Oficina de Ideias: Evangelic National Event in Paraty, Public Servants Day,Paraty International Cinema Festival [+ info]
Paraty Gastronomy Party, Day of the Deceased, Latin Music International Festival, Republic Proclamation Day [+ info]
Christmas, Folia de Reis, events, parties, live music and more. [+ info]
2013 Paraty events
2013 Paraty events [+ info]
Events in Paraty 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in Paraty 2011: FLIP, Festival da Pinga, New Year? [+ info]
Enjoy Parati!
Hotel Bookings in Paraty
Hostel Bookings in Paraty
Tourist Information - Museums, Art, Music - Restaurants - Night Life - Parties - Events - Shows - Festivals