Transport to Paraty from the Airport. Executive Service from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Buses to Parati. [+ info]
March 2011 in Paraty - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

4th to 8th March - Carnival: Paraty hosts a Carnival of their own that has a very different flavor from the famous Rio de Janeiro Carnival. Paraty's version is much more traditional and less crowded. Paraty's celebrations play on fantasies, with masked blocos , or carnival groups, along with children and adults in fancy dress and effigies of famous personalities. Costumes are black or white, king or pauper. They often aim (harmlessly) to scare the passers-by with skulls and deformed papier machê heads. While most of Carnival celebrations take place in the historic district of Paraty, there are plenty of other events on the local beaches, including the Bloco de Lama (block of mud), which traditionally starts from the Praia do Jabaquara before continuing around the town. This group represents a prehistoric tribe whose objective is to frighten off evil spirits.
- Duration: 4 days
- Additional Information: Paraty Carnival
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Paraty City Hall www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
5th March - Bloco da Lama Parade (Carnival): This is probably the most famous of the Paraty blocos. Its originality and awkwardness has attracted the attention of media and the curiosity of public. It was created in a Saturday of Carnival at the beginning of the 90s, by some friends that were bathing themselves in the medicinal mud of the Praia do Jabaquara. They noticed that they could not recognize each other and decided to wear that strange 'costume' on Carnival evening.
- Duration: 1 days
- Additional Information: Paraty Carnival
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: www.blocodalama.com.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
- Event Picture Gallery: infoparaty.com/es/Fotos-de-paraty-8/Lugares-10/Bloco-da-Lama-18
January 2011
Paraty Events Calendar January 2011. Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in Paraty: FL [+ info]
February 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in February 2011 em Paraty [+ info]
March 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in March 2011 em Paraty [+ info]
April 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in April 2011 em Paraty [+ info]
May 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in May 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
June 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in June 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
July 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in July 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
August 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in August 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
September 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in September 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
October 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in October 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
November 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in November 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
December 2011
Information on parties, festivals, cultural, artistic and religious events in December 2011 in Paraty [+ info]
Enjoy Parati!
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Hostel Bookings in Paraty
Tourist Information - Museums, Art, Music - Restaurants - Night Life - Parties - Events - Shows - Festivals