Transport to Paraty from the Airport. Executive Service from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Buses to Parati. [+ info]
October 2013 in Paraty - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

4th to 6 th of October - Paraty Latino - International Latin Music Festival: Latin Music under the stars featuring international shows for free.
- Duration: 3 days
- Additional Information: "Boa tarde a todos : ) A terceira edição do Paraty Latino foi adiada para 2013 e assim que tivermos novas datas e programação as divulgaremos nas redes sociais. Agradecemos a todos o carinho e expectativa. " (FUENTE: )
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
12th to 15th of October - Ymaguaré: Myths and Legends - Native American Culture: Ymaguaré means "from days of old" in Guaraní tongue. This event promotes indigenous culture and arts.
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Nhandeva www.nhandeva.org
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
12th of October - Nossa Sra. Aparecida - Patron saint of Brazil. Our Lady of Aparecida is the Marian image patron saint of Brasil. Her sanctuary it's located at Aparecida in the State of Sâo Paulo.
15th October - Commerce Day: Rio de Janeiro State Public Holiday
- Duration: 1 day
October - Oficina de Ideias: Evangelic National Event in Paraty.
- Duration: 3 days
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Oficina de Idéias www.oficinadeideias.net.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
28th of October - Public Servants Day: Rio de Janeiro State Public Holiday
- Duration: 1 day
- Duration: 3 days
- Additional Information: "Boa tarde a todos : ) A terceira edição do Paraty Latino foi adiada para 2013 e assim que tivermos novas datas e programação as divulgaremos nas redes sociais. Agradecemos a todos o carinho e expectativa. " (FUENTE: )
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
12th to 15th of October - Ymaguaré: Myths and Legends - Native American Culture: Ymaguaré means "from days of old" in Guaraní tongue. This event promotes indigenous culture and arts.
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Nhandeva www.nhandeva.org
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
12th of October - Nossa Sra. Aparecida - Patron saint of Brazil. Our Lady of Aparecida is the Marian image patron saint of Brasil. Her sanctuary it's located at Aparecida in the State of Sâo Paulo.
15th October - Commerce Day: Rio de Janeiro State Public Holiday
- Duration: 1 day
October - Oficina de Ideias: Evangelic National Event in Paraty.
- Duration: 3 days
- Organisers and Event´s Official Website: Oficina de Idéias www.oficinadeideias.net.br
- Event and Schedule in Facebook:
28th of October - Public Servants Day: Rio de Janeiro State Public Holiday
- Duration: 1 day
January 2013
January 2013 [+ info]
February 2013
February 2013 [+ info]
March 2013
March 2013 [+ info]
April 2013
April 2013 [+ info]
May 2013
May 2013 [+ info]
June 2013
June 2013 [+ info]
July 2013
July 2013 [+ info]
August 2013
August 2013 [+ info]
September 2013
September 2013 [+ info]
October 2013
October 2013 [+ info]
November 2013
November 2013 [+ info]
December 2013
December 2013 [+ info]
Enjoy Parati!
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