News > From 29th to 30th October | July, 20 2011
Ymaguaré: Myths and Legends - Native American Culture
Native American Culture in Paraty [Read +]
News > September 21st to 25th. | July, 18 2011
Paraty em Foco 2011 - Festival Internacional Fnac de Fotografía - Parati
Paraty em Foco 2011 has already confirmed date, 21-25 September. [Read +]
1 Coment
News > from August 18th to 21st in Paraty | July, 14 2011
XXVIII Pinga Festival 2011 - Paraty - Rio de Janeiro
Enjoy one of the greatest events in Paraty. [Read +]

News > Venice in Brazil | October, 12 2010
The Floded Streets of Paraty
Whale oil lamps provided the street lighting, and the main streets have a channel in the middle through which the rain water would drain and the sea water... [Read +]

News > June, 01 2010
II Internacional Cinema Festival Paraty
In October will flow Paraty with the lastest international films and screenings. [Read +]

News > June, 01 2010
November is the month of food in Paraty
From November 1st to 30th - V Gastronomy Party in Paraty: Come and taste special dishes created by local chefs during the whole month of November and also... [Read +]