
Events > a celebraçâo em un belo escenário! | May, 16 2012
PROGRAMAÇÃO da Festa do Divino
De 18 ao 27 de Maio venha a acompanhar as belas celebrações na Igreja da Matriz de Paraty e depois aproveite uma das festas mais esperadas do ano nessa ci... [Read +]

Events > Come to enjoy a unique Easter in Paraty! | March, 24 2012
The schedule for Easter in Paraty
Easter in Paraty is a celebration thar involves all people in the city out into the streets and it is celebrated with a hughe commitment. This celebration... [Read +]

Events > March, 07 2012
São Jorge Day
St. George is the patron saint "unofficial" in Rio de Janeiro, because it is a phenomenon in the local culture. [Read +]

Events > February, 24 2012
Encounter of Ceramists in Paraty
Considering that Paraty is now an important center of tourist attraction, between Rio and Sao Paulo, the Encounter of Ceramists is culturally enriching an... [Read +]

Events > February, 11 2012
Anniversary of Paraty
Enjoy the birthday of Paraty and the beginning of Carnamar, Carnival and Bloco da Lama. [Read +]

Events > February, 11 2012
The Passion of Christ in Paraty
On April 6, will be held in Paraty, the spectacle of Christ's Passion Self titled "A Man Called Jesus," written and directed by Themilton Tavares. [Read +]

Events > January, 17 2012
Bloco da Lama
Each year the Bloco da Lama has more comrades. The last carnivals it has paraded with more two thousand members. They say its parade on Carnival Saturday ... [Read +]

Events > January, 16 2012
Carnamar in Paraty
More than five thousand people attend Carnamar in Paraty each year. [Read +]
Events > December, 28 2011
Carnival 2012 in Paraty!!
It is unclear when, exactly, were the first street carnival in Paraty. It is certain, however, that in 1920 there were already clubs and carnival bands l... [Read +]
Events > December, 27 2011
Paraty Boat Festival
A new proposal for a sailing event, where pleasure, recreation and nautical commerce are mixed in a charming, safe and surrounded by natural beauty of the... [Read +]