February, 24 2012
Encounter of Ceramists in Paraty
Considering that Paraty is now an important center of tourist attraction, between Rio and Sao Paulo, the Encounter of Ceramists is culturally enriching and strengthening the manufacturing of objects and works of ceramic art for the local market.
The activities offered to the public will be punctual in stimulating research and training of ceramists. Supplying thus a need in training young professionals in the field of ceramics in Paraty.
Come experience a different event, enjoy the Promotional Packages in Paraty!
More Paraty touristic packages.
And the ceramic is present in the history of this city. In addition to other activities such as working with natural fiber basketry and wood form, among others, our material culture. The music and our stories form the immaterial culture. A vast field of traditions and memory of our national history confirms, Paraty as a referral center for cultural tourism in Brazil.
Paraty Information.
Transfers to and from São Paulo
Transfers São Paulo - Paraty Buses from the Airport Guarulhos to Parati [+ info]
Caiçara Tour
Discover the lively and traditional traits of Paraty on a cultural tour to remember! [+ info]
Paraty History
Colonial World Heritage Paradoxically, the long stagnation process that Paraty underwent turned out axial in preserving the [+ info]

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